Labels:text | font | black and white | screenshot | document OCR: THE FILES INSTALLED BY JANUS 2.1 BETA 2 The following files are installed on the Amiga side: SYS : PC/PCWindow A program which provides the PC Color and PC Mono display windows/screens . SYS : PC/PCPrefs A program which allows you to: 1) Enable or disable the MDA or CGA display emulation hardware on the Bridgeboard. Set the address to which SYS: PC/System/pc.boot is loaded. SYS : PC/LPT1 A program which connects the Bridgeboard's LPT1: emulation hardware to the Amiga's parallel port. Note that the installation software installs different versions of LPT1 depending on whether you have a Sidecar or Bridgeboard. SYS: PC/PC Color A stub which instructs SYS: PC/PCWindow to open a CGA display emulation window/screen, SYS : PC/PC Mono A stub which instructs SYS: PC/PCWindow to open an MDA display emulation window/screen. SYS : PC/PCHard A program which simulates a "hard" (power off) reset of the Bridgeboard. SYS : PC/Services/MouseServ A program which connects the Amiga's mouse to the various PC-side Janus mouse drivers. SYS : PC/Services/AutoLoad A program which is used by PC-side Janus programs to load various Amiga services automatically when required. SYS : PC/Services/TimeServ A program which connects the Amiga's time-of-day clock and calendar to the PC-side ATIME program. SYS: PC/Services/DOSServ A program which connects AmigaDOS to the PC-side JLINK, JDISK. SYS, AREAD, AWRITE, and autoboot software. SYS: PC/System/pc.boot A binary image of the PC-side Janus. handler BIOS extension. Janus . handler communicates with and is loaded by Janus. library. SYS: PC/System/2500Prefs SYS : PC/System/ScanCode. table SYS : PC/System/SidecarKeys. table These three files are used by PCWindow. Do not attempt to modify them. C: DJMount A program which searches the PC gide for Amiga partitions on PC hard drives and mounts them for use by AmigaDos.